

The combine backend joins remotes together into a single directory tree.

For example you might have a remote for images on one provider:

$ rclone tree s3:imagesbucket
├── image1.jpg
└── image2.jpg

And a remote for files on another:

$ rclone tree drive:important/files
├── file1.txt
└── file2.txt

The combine backend can join these together into a synthetic directory structure like this:

$ rclone tree combined:
├── files
│   ├── file1.txt
│   └── file2.txt
└── images
    ├── image1.jpg
    └── image2.jpg

You'd do this by specifying an upstreams parameter in the config like this

upstreams = images=s3:imagesbucket files=drive:important/files

During the initial setup with rclone config you will specify the upstreams remotes as a space separated list. The upstream remotes can either be a local paths or other remotes.


Here is an example of how to make a combine called remote for the example above. First run:

 rclone config

This will guide you through an interactive setup process:

No remotes found, make a new one?
n) New remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
n/s/q> n
name> remote
Option Storage.
Type of storage to configure.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value.
XX / Combine several remotes into one
   \ (combine)
Storage> combine
Option upstreams.
Upstreams for combining
These should be in the form
    dir=remote:path dir2=remote2:path
Where before the = is specified the root directory and after is the remote to
put there.
Embedded spaces can be added using quotes
    "dir=remote:path with space" "dir2=remote2:path with space"
Enter a fs.SpaceSepList value.
upstreams> images=s3:imagesbucket files=drive:important/files
Configuration complete.
- type: combine
- upstreams: images=s3:imagesbucket files=drive:important/files
Keep this "remote" remote?
y) Yes this is OK (default)
e) Edit this remote
d) Delete this remote
y/e/d> y

Configuring for Google Drive Shared Drives

Rclone has a convenience feature for making a combine backend for all the shared drives you have access to.

Assuming your main (non shared drive) Google drive remote is called drive: you would run

rclone backend -o config drives drive:

This would produce something like this:

[My Drive]
type = alias
remote = drive,team_drive=0ABCDEF-01234567890,root_folder_id=:

[Test Drive]
type = alias
remote = drive,team_drive=0ABCDEFabcdefghijkl,root_folder_id=:

type = combine
upstreams = "My Drive=My Drive:" "Test Drive=Test Drive:"

If you then add that config to your config file (find it with rclone config file) then you can access all the shared drives in one place with the AllDrives: remote.

See the Google Drive docs for full info.

Standard options

Here are the Standard options specific to combine (Combine several remotes into one).


Upstreams for combining

These should be in the form

dir=remote:path dir2=remote2:path

Where before the = is specified the root directory and after is the remote to put there.

Embedded spaces can be added using quotes

"dir=remote:path with space" "dir2=remote2:path with space"


  • Config: upstreams
  • Type: SpaceSepList
  • Default:

Advanced options

Here are the Advanced options specific to combine (Combine several remotes into one).


Description of the remote.


  • Config: description
  • Type: string
  • Required: false


Any metadata supported by the underlying remote is read and written.

See the metadata docs for more info.