rclone purge

Remove the path and all of its contents.


Remove the path and all of its contents. Note that this does not obey include/exclude filters - everything will be removed. Use the delete command if you want to selectively delete files. To delete empty directories only, use command rmdir or rmdirs.

Important: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run or the --interactive/-i flag.

rclone purge remote:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for purge

Options shared with other commands are described next. See the global flags page for global options not listed here.

Important Options

Important flags useful for most commands

  -n, --dry-run         Do a trial run with no permanent changes
  -i, --interactive     Enable interactive mode
  -v, --verbose count   Print lots more stuff (repeat for more)

See Also

  • rclone - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends.
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